
Scales templates

Scales can be imported easily from one Cytobank experiment into another.

To import scales from another experiment, open the scale editor and locate the ‘Import scales from another experiment’ section at the bottom of the window. Clicking on the menu will display other experiments that you have clone access to and can import the scales from. The experiments you have clone access to include your own experiments, experiments that have been shared with you directly, and experiments you have project-level access to when the project has full cloning enabled. You can also start typing to search for a specific experiment you’d like to import scales from by either experiment name or experiment ID.


(At the bottom of the scales editor window, you can select an experiment from which to import scales)

After selecting an experiment, Cytobank will summarize for you how your scales will be influenced by importing scales from the selected experiment. Note that if you have already drawn a gate on a channel whose scales will change when you import scales, that gate will be hidden after scale import.

Screen_Shot_2018-01-09_at_7.37.49_PM.pngScreen_Shot_2018-01-09_at_7.37.36_PM.png(Screenshots display examples of how your experiment’s scales might be impacted by importing scales. Top - all channels are shared, but only one is different and will be affected. Bottom - there are no shared channels, and you cannot import the scales.)

Once you confirm that these changes are as expected, hit ‘Import Scales’ to complete the import.

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