The Gating Editor is where you create gates and populations. It has gating tools and a plot in the middle. Gates and gating groups are listed on the left side of the page. On the right side of the Gating Editor is our gating control panel with three tabs: Population tree, Boolean expressions and Sunburst view.
To learn more on the Gating Editor structure, read this article.
The Population tree tab displays the populations in hierarchical order, with each population nested under the proper parent. If gating groups have been created in the experiment, each population will appear in the proper group. For each population at a given level, the population tree displays the percentage of events from the parent population and event number in brackets in line with the population name
Create a population
Populations can be created as the result of drawing a gate or via the Boolean expression editor. In both instances, they will be displayed in the population tree in hierarchical relationship with the other populations present in the experiment.
Actions on populations
It is possible to edit the name, duplicate, or delete a population, by selecting the corresponding action icon that is displayed when hovering over a specific population.
It is also possible to Unselect, add a Prefix, add a Suffix, Duplicate or Delete populations in batch when multi-selecting them and accessing the corresponding icons on the menu that will become available on the top of the population tree when selecting multiple populations at one time.
A group of populations belonging to the same gating group can be dragged and dropped onto a different gating group, in order to speed up work. If the Boolean expression of the populations being copied contains gates not present in the target group, a message will appear offering you the option to also import the gates.
Find a population
In the population tree tab, a search bar allows you to search for a population, even when all of them are in the collapsed form. This can be useful when you have an extensive gating strategy that uses a lot of populations. This would help you find the population by typing the reagent or population name.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.