This article details the ways to get images of SPADE out of the browser for publication and sharing. There are four options.
- Infinitely scalable high resolution SVG export (Adobe Illustrator)
- PDF export (current configuration of SPADE tree)
- PDF export (default unannotated SPADE tree)
- Screenshots
Exporting the SPADE tree as SVG requires a third-party software called SVG Crowbar. It is available for free from the New York Times. You must use Google Chrome browser and follow the directions that appear on the linked page. After the button is available in your browser, view a SPADE tree and then click the SVG Crowbar button to export the tree as SVG. You will need a software package capable of viewing and editing SVG graphics (e.g. Adobe Illustrator or free alternatives such as Inkscape or Vectr) to work with the file. With such a program, any aspect of the SPADE tree can be individually accessed and modified. This includes fonts and colors.
PDF Export (current tree configuration)
Click the link featured in the image below to start a background task that will create all possible PDFs (including bubbles) for this SPADE analysis in its current state. The results will attach themselves to the parent experiment summary page automatically after completion and will also be available in the SPADE interface after being exported. The results will include every permutation of file, channel, and statistic.
(click the link featured above to export annotated PDFs from SPADE)
PDF export (default unannotated SPADE tree)
The package that can be retrieved using the Download Analysis Data link contains a PDF folder with PDFs created concurrently with the original SPADE tree. They represent the original layout of the tree and will not have any annotations.
(the download analysis data package has default SPADE trees in it)
Use a screenshot utility to capture any image on the screen.