
Align SPADE Nodes to Neat Grids Automatically

Organizing the nodes of a SPADE tree to look geometrically neat can aid in the presentation of the tree. There is no tools for the alignment of nodes by default in Cytobank, but Cytobank Support has a workaround! Use console scripts to implement an extra module within SPADE to align selected nodes to a particular X or Y axis:

(example of node alignment tool in action)

Those are special console scripts that you can run in your web browser console to access functionality that is not part of the Cytobank platform.  You may fill out this form to download the script package. Upon submission, you will be sent an email message containing a link to download a compressed (.zip) file or pdf document containing the scripts.


Disclaimer:  Those scripts are available upon request and are not supported or maintained by Beckman Coulter Life Sciences. Your use of these scripts is solely at your own risk, without recourse to Beckman Coulter Life Sciences.


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