
Undo and Redo Options in the Gating Editor

The Gating Editor offers the possibility to undo or redo any operation applied on a gate (change shape, move, delete, create) as well as any action in the gating interface that occurred in the last 12 hours.

To undo (or redo) an action, click on the left (or right) arrow on the Gating Editor navigation bar.

Undo Redo.jpg

It is possible to undo or redo actions like:

  • Delete or create a gate
  • Modify gate shape or position
  • Rename a gate
  • Modify sync settings for a gate
  • Lock/unlock a gate
  • Change the Boolean expression of a population
  • Copy populations to a different gating group
  • Delete a population or manually create a population in the Boolean expression editor
  • Load a gate version
  • Copy gate to populations
  • Create, rename or delete populations in the Populations tree and Boolean expression tabs
  • Reset all gates and populations
  • Rename or delete gating groups in the Gating editor

A green banner will be temporarily displayed at the top of the Gating Editor page informing you on the action you have reverted.

The undo button will be disabled after:

  • 12 hours from the last change
  • Updating scale settings
  • Making changes to the experiment in another part of the platform (e.g.: Sample Tag Manager)


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


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