
Import an existing compensation matrix from another Cytobank experiment

In the Cytobank platform, there are many ways to create and modify a new compensation matrix. Please see this article for a review of all the methods.

Here we will focus on how to import a matrix from an existing Cytobank experiment.

How to access the Compensation Editor 

When you navigate to an existing Cytobank experiment, access the Compensation Editor by clicking the Compensation tab on the experiment level navigation bar. If the current setting is Uncompensated, the Compensation button will not appear in the navigation bar. In this case, please click Actions -> Edit compensation to access the Compensation Editor. 



Importing a matrix from an existing Cytobank experiment 

Click the Import tab on the page-specific navigation bar.



Under the Experiment tab, choose the experiment from which you want to import the matrix, and click Import Compensation. If compatible matrices are available for import, you will see a message, Successfully imported the compensation matrix [name of compensation matrix] from the selected experiment. All the matrices will be copied to your current experiment and appear in the list of compensations that you can select as the experiment-wide compensation. You can click on the name of an imported compensation matrix to adjust the values as needed. When importing an Autocomp matrix that was generated by the single staining, only the matrix table will be imported, but not the single staining control plots.



After importing a compensation matrix from an existing experiment, users can apply one imported matrix by selecting a compensation from the Experiment compensation dropdown list on the navigation bar. For more details, please refer to this support article  How the experiment-wide compensation works in the Cytobank platform.

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