Numerous groups have published manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, citing the Cytobank platform in their work. Check out this ever-growing list for Publications Referencing the Cytobank platform.
To reference the Cytobank platform in your manuscript, cite our manuscript that appears in Current Protocols in Cytometry in July 2010. For example, your citation might look like this:
In-Text: “Data were analyzed using the Cytobank platform[1].” Reference: [1] Kotecha N, Krutzik PO, Irish JM. Web-based Analysis and Publication of Flow Cytometry Experiments. Current Protocols in Cytometry 2010 Jul, Chapter 10, Unit10.17. PMID: 20578106
Can I include and reference public datasets in my publication?
Yes, we support and would like to encourage this! Here is an example citation:
The dataset "EMBO Timecourse of IL-4 and IL-7 in PBMC B and T cells" ( was obtained from the public Cytobank repository [1] and is part of a dataset originally collected by J.M. Irish et al. as part of a class on flow cytometry.
The 'originally collected by' would be the experiment's Primary Researcher (or perhaps PI in some cases). If the data were part of a publication, that should be referenced at the end with the 'originally collected by' section.
For experiments personally shared with you (that are not Public), both the Primary Researcher and PI must be involved in the publication or give you permission to publish the data.