
Automatically Generated Figure of Gating Strategy


The Gating hierarchy tool allows the automatic creation of figures to illustrate a gating hierarchy. For example:


(The gating steps for the population "CD45RA- Memory CD4+ T cells are shown automatically. Plots are for illustration purposes only.)


How to generate a Gating strategy figure on the Cytobank platform

  1. From within an experiment, click the Gates menu on the blue navigation bar and then click on Gating strategy.
  2. Select the files for which you are interested in creating a hierarchy illustration by clicking choose in the FCS Files box.
  3. Choose the populations for which you are interested in seeing the gating hierarchy by also clicking choose in the Populations box.
  4. The figure will automatically update to show your gating hierarchy.


A printer friendly view of the Gating hierarchy figure can be viewed by clicking on Print view in the middle of the Gating hierarchy navigation bar.


If your experiment has multiple gating groups, the file selector pop up will display a tag that helps you identify which gating group each file belongs to.

Gating strat.jpg

Similarly, the Population selector pop up will show you all the populations you have in your experiment organized into the gating groups you have previously created.  You can select multiple populations belonging to different gating groups.

Gating strat 2.jpg


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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