The Cytobank platform allows you to store multiple versions of your gates. One version is what you see at any given time in the gating interface. This is the active version of your Experiment Gates. These gates are used for statistics, illustrations, advanced analyses, and everything else. You can save a version of your Experiment Gates and load it again at a later point in time.
Load Gates
When developing a gating strategy or making adjustments to gate positions, you may want to save a snapshot and have the ability to go back to a specific set of gates and their positions. Or you might want to apply gates from another Experiment. The Load gates menu allows you to save a version of the gates, including their positions, and to load previously saved versions as well as gates from other experiments. Put another way, it allows you to change the gating strategy without having to redo the analysis.
To save the current Experiment Gates, populations and gating groups, open the Load gates menu and select Save a version. Name the gates version for easier identification and click save. Gate versions are timestamped automatically for easier identification.
To load previously saved Gate versions, open the Load gates menu and select Load a version. From the dropdown list select the Gate version you want to apply and click Load.
To load gates from another experiment on the same Cytobank server, open the Load gates menu and select Import gates from another experiment. This will import the Gate version that is currently selected and active in this experiment. From the dropdown list select the experiment from which you want to import the gates. Click on Import Gates. Confirm that you are sure you want to import gates from the selected experiment into the current experiment by selecting OK.
To upload gates from a Gating-ML file that has previously been exported from the Cytobank platform, e.g. to copy a gating strategy between experiments on different Cytobank servers, open the Load gates menu and select Upload gating-ML. Select a Gating-ML file or drag it into the upload area and select Apply changes.
Gates can be exported as a Gating-ML file by selecting Gates in the experiment-level navigation bar and clicking on Download Gating-ML. Uploading gates from Gating-ML can also be initiated here. For more details see Exporting and Importing Gates within the Cytobank platform and with Gating-ML.
(Load gates experiment-level navigation item and options.)
Gating changes are saved continuously, not only with the save gate version option
When you perform gating tasks in the gating interface, every action taken is saved immediately and overwrites the Experiment gates. You can see this reflected in the status indicator that appears below the gating plot. No action needs to be taken on your part to save your gates. Your computer could crash one second after moving a gate, and you won't lose any work! Changes are saved continuously to the Cytobank cloud. The Save version options simply allows you to save the gates from a specific time point for future reference.
This article details how you can save and load Gate versions via the Cytobank interface. In addition, it is possible to use the statistics endpoint of the Cytobank API to access different gate versions. Get in touch with Cytobank Support if access to the gate versioning system would help your workflow.
Review of key points:
- It is not necessary to repeatedly save Gate versions to save your work. It gets saved continuously!
- Use the Save gate version function before making major changes you might want to revert to, or after making changes you want to save to be able to reference back to.
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.